XR Growth AcceleratorYour growth is my goal
We offer you comprehensive support to shorten your time to market and promote a culture of innovation and creativity. We strengthen you as subject matter experts (SMEs), L&D, trainer/coach or innovation manager and expand your know-how and expertise in the interests of company success.
The existing expertise makes this very efficient; the „XR Growth Accelerator“ asks the right questions at the right time and can quickly find solutions.
of customers are satisfied with the results and generate follow-up orders
of customers confirm outstanding expertise and value the input and feedback.
Mixed Reality and Spatial Computing with KIBoundaryless Realities
Teambuilding and coaching
XR and AIUse cases that enable your growth sustainably
XR Growth AcceleratorExpers, Innovator, Creators, And Visionary
Your growth is my goal
He accompanies companies as a source of inspiration in change and reorientation. Over the last 26 years, he has held management responsibility in the field of business transformation, corporate learning and innovation in a wide variety of companies and industries.
As a speaker, lecturer and author, he is happy to pass on his knowledge in a wide variety of formats. Since 2017, he has run and curated the world's leading online magazine "Immersive Learning News" and has a walk-in virtual 3D/VR world as his company headquarters with his virtual headquarters on "Torstenfell.space".
He trains VR trainers and VR collaboration experts, and has been doing so in VR since April 15, 2020. He uses various virtual learning and working environments for his own business model.

PROCESSAre You Ready To Embrace The Future

Based on a holistic and product-independent consulting approach, we look at the objectives, target groups and use cases together – this is also possible in mixed reality.
Technische Lösungen entdecken – Herausforderungen identifizieren – Ideen generieren
Definition Metaverse für die Organisation Einsatzszenarien festlegen
Ziele (Business-/Lern) und gewünschte Ergebnisse (KPI) festlegen
Partner auswählen und Lösung definieren Security und Zugang gestalten
Virtuelle Welt mit Inhalten füllen Implementierung und Change/Training und Evaluieren/Feedback